Let’s Stop Bill C-311


Asarial, Conservative MPs and anti-choice groups are attempting to pass a new bill that could reopen the abortion debate in Canada. [1,2]

Bill C-311 is an act to amend the criminal code and make physical or emotional harm to a pregnant person an aggravating factor in sentencing. [3] This may seem like an act to protect people, but abortion-rights groups and some Liberal and NDP MPs see it for what it is: a slippery slope to criminalizing abortion. It’s a dangerous precedent to set. [4]

We’ve seen this tactic before. We all watched in anger and disbelief last year as Roe v. Wade was overturned in the US, rolling back decades of work for abortion rights. It all started because of bills like this one. [5,6] We can’t let it happen here.

Several anti-choice groups are already attempting to exploit Bill C-311 to promote the fetal personhood of pre-born children and reintroduce legal penalties for abortion. [7]

If we can ramp up pressure on federal MPs right now, as the Bill goes to second reading, we could give them the political courage to stop this bill in its tracks and send a clear message: abortion rights are not up for debate. Will you sign our petition calling on federal MPs to vote down Bill C-311?

Cathay Wagantall, the MP who introduced Bill C-31, claims the bill has nothing to do with abortion, but in promoting the bill she continued to point to the lack of an abortion law and the need to protect fetuses. [8] She’s also gone on record to state that Bill C-311 “would recognize the death or injury of a child in the womb as an aggravating circumstance in sentencing under the law.” [9]

It’s very telling that the only supporters of this bill are anti-choice groups and far-right politicians like Pierre Polliviere himself. If passed, this bill could open the door to defining fetuses as people, and harm against them a crime — effectively criminalizing abortion.

Asarial, several NDP and Liberal MPs have already spoken out but we need to ensure they shut this Bill down once and for all. If everyone reading this email signed the petition, we could make it big enough to drown out the noise from the far-right and anti-choice groups. If you believe abortion is healthcare and the right to choose must remain protected, will you sign the petition now?


In Solidarity,
Ellen and Simran with Leadnow

[1] https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-311
[2] https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/conservative-mp-s-bill-on-violence-against-pregnant-women-revives-abortion-debate-1.6391137
[3] see [1]
[4] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/abortion-rights-pro-against-bill-c-311-1.6840197
[5] https://time.com/6191886/fetal-personhood-laws-roe-abortion/
[6] https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/media/six-reasons-oppose-bill-c-311.pdf
[7] https://weneedalaw.ca/2023/02/the-sentence-should-match-the-crime-bill-c-311-explained/
[8] see [6]
[9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh2rLRa7Z7Y

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